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Amended:         23rd January 2024








  1. The name of the club shall be “Calverley Golf Club” or whichever name shall be approved by the membership at a General Meeting.


  1. Hereinafter the “Club” shall refer to the association formed by the eligible categories of members of “Calverley Golf Club Ltd” or its successors.


  1. The Club is formed to organise and manage all the golfing and other appropriate activities of its members.




  1. The day to day affairs of the Club shall be the responsibility of a Committee comprising of;
  • The Chairperson
  • The Captain
  • The Vice Captain
  • The President
  • The Secretary
  • The Treasurer
  • The Competition Secretary
  • The World Handicap Secretary
  • The Junior Organiser
  • Two ‘Other’ Committee Members


  1. The Management of the Club shall be the responsibility of a ‘Management Sub-Committee’ comprising of;
  • The Chairperson
  • The Captain
  • The President
  • The Secretary
  • The Treasurer
  • The Competition Secretary
  • The World Handicap Secretary


  1. The Members of the Committee shall be elected to serve for the following terms:
  • The Chairperson                         – 3 years
  • The Captain                         – 1 year  (*See Section 7b – officers)
  • The President                         – 3 years (*See Section 7c – officers)
  • The Vice Captain                         – 1 year
  • The Secretary                         – 3 years
  • The Treasurer                         – 3 years
  • County and Union Liaison Officer                         – 3 years
  • The Competition Secretary                         – 3 years
  • The World Handicap Secretary                         – 3 years
  • Committee Members                         – 3 years



  1. Seven members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum which must include any 2 of the ‘Management Sub-Committee’


  1. That the term of office for all officials elected at the January Annual General Meeting commences from the end of that meeting.


  1. The Committee shall have the authority to appoint Sub-Committees to deal with any matters which may arise. Members of such Sub-Committees may include any 5 & 7 day adult members or Social members of the Club. Such Sub-Committees will always be ‘chaired’ by a main Committee member, who is responsible for reporting its actions back to the Main Committee. Sub-Committees would normally comprise of and odd number.


  1. The Committee shall appoint the Junior Organiser(s) following advertisement of the position and subsequent interview – this position shall be reaffirmed every 3 years. The person(s) appointed shall be co-opted onto the Main Committee.


  1. The Club Professional ‘may’ be invited to attend the committee and shall have the same voting rights as other members.


  1. The Golf Club Manager and or Representative(s) of CGC Ltd ‘may’ be invited to attend the committee meetings.




  1. An Annual General Meeting shall be held on the last Tuesday in the January of each year. At least 30 calendar day’s notice of the meeting shall be given to all members by notification on the Club notice board.


  1. The members present at an A.G.M. shall constitute a quorum. In the event of an Extraordinary General Meeting – dependant upon the business being discussed it may be required to specify a more realistic quorum figure.


  1. The Chairperson shall appoint 2 ‘tellers’ to collect and count any ballot votes.


  1. The result of any vote shall be announced by the Chairperson and having so announced shall be regarded as final.


  1. Matters to discuss at an A.G.M. shall be declared in sufficient time for inclusion in the official Agenda. In general this will be at least 21 calendar days prior to the date of the meeting, and by written notice to the Secretary.


  1. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the club may be called at any time, either at the discretion of the Committee or upon receipt of a written request signed by at least fifty members of the club and detailing reasons for requiring such a meeting. Such reasons ‘must’ fall within the remit of Calverley Golf Club. At least 21 calendar day’s notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given in writing to all members.


  1. Propositions to change The Constitution must be given in writing to The Secretary at least 28 calendar days prior to the General Meeting. Such propositions must have been signed by a proposer, seconder and at least 15 other adult members. Any such propositions received by The Secretary shall be posted on The Club notice board & sent out via email at least 20 calendar days prior to the General Meeting. This allows members to make any amendments to these proposals. Such amendments must have been signed by a proposer & a seconder and at least 15 other adult members and sent to The Secretary no later than 7 days prior to the General Meeting.


  1. Amendments to proposals to change The Constitution will not be permitted at a General Meeting. Should there be no amendments put forward in the time allowed then these shall be announced at the General Meeting and shall be accepted and carried to change The Constitution, such amendments shall come into force the following year.


  1. Any member wishing to raise any issues ‘other’ than Constitutional issues must do so in writing to The Secretary at least 28 calendar days prior to the General Meeting.


  1. Only adult members shall be allowed to vote at either an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.


  1. The definition of an adult member is any person who has attained the age of 18 years on the 1 January of that year and is either a 5/7 day or social member.




  1. The election of officers shall take place only at an A.G.M. or E.G.M. of The Club.


  1. Notice of the positions to be filled shall be posted on the notice board within the clubhouse at least 30 calendar days before the General Meeting.


  1. Nominations shall be invited from eligible members and the nomination form shall include the      name and signature of the nominee and the names of the proposer and seconder. To be    eligible for nomination for election to the Committee, a candidate    must have been an adult           member of the club for at least one year and has paid their       committee costs fees.


  1. Nominations will be accepted from the time the notice required under rule 6(B) is posted on the notice board until 7 days before the date of the General Meeting, when the notice will be withdrawn by The Committee.


  1. In the event that the number of nominations received for any office exceeds the number of vacant posts, an election by ballot shall take place at the General Meeting. Every adult member present at the General Meeting shall have the right to cast one vote in respect of each position required to be filled.  In the event of a tie between two or more candidates for the position’s of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer or in respect of the last place or places as ordinary members of the Committee, a second ballot shall take place in which votes may be cast only for those candidates having the same number of votes in the primary ballot


  1. In the event that the number of valid nominations received is fewer than the number of vacant positions, the vacant offices may be filled by any adult member these being co-opted onto The Committee at the discretion of The Committee.


  1. The election of The President shall be conducted as follows; The main Committee will ask the members for nominees for the position of President, such nominees will need to provide details of why they believe they should be considered for the position. The Committee shall appoint a Sub-Committee, this Sub-Committee will review the ‘list’ of eligible candidates and advise the main Committee, who in turn shall bring the list of candidates to the General Meeting asking the members to vote upon their choice of President.


  1. If any officer is unable to continue in that office until the end of his/her term, the committee shall appoint a suitable member to fulfil that office until the next AGM.










The Chairperson shall be responsible for convening and controlling all Committee meetings. He/she shall have the right to vote on any issue, He/she shall accept overall responsibility for the correct management of The Club’s affairs.   




The Captain and Vice Captain shall be responsible for all the golfing activities connected with membership of the English, Yorkshire and Bradford and District Unions. In normal circumstances the Vice-Captain in one year shall be Captain in the following year.  


The Vice- Captain elect shall be nominated by the Vice Captain and Captain in concert, the nomination shall be subject to ratification by the Committee and the appointment of Vice Captain announced at the Annual General Meeting. A Captain of Calverley Golf Club shall only normally hold the post once (unless after “strenuous” efforts the committee are unable to find any suitable candidate.




The President shall represent the standard that Calverley Golf Club strives to achieve. He/she will oversee all aspects of Club activities, offering guidance through experience. The position of President should be an acknowledgement of an individual who has afforded time and effort for the well being of the Club. A President of Calverley Golf Club shall only normally hold the post once (unless after “strenuous” efforts the committee are unable to find any suitable candidate.




The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the club and shall have custody of all documents and books belonging to the club except those entrusted to the Treasurer.  He /she shall keep full and correct minutes of all meetings of the Committee.  He/she shall keep a full record of all members of the club, and issue all notices required by the Constitution.  He/she shall perform any other duties as may be determined by the Committee.




The Treasurer shall receive all monies due to and pay all monies owed by the club.  He/she shall maintain accurate records of accounts and shall produce a report of the financial affairs of the club at any time on the direction of the Committee.




“The Competitions Secretary’s shall organise and run all Club Competitions, he/she shall co-ordinate into the programme other competitions organised by the Sub-Sections of the club. The Competitions Secretary shall also be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all competition records. He/she shall chair the Competitions Sub-Committee, working closely with the World Handicap Secretary & his/her Sub-Committee. Also, he/she shall answer all questions involving the rules of the said Competitions”








“The World Handicap Secretary shall maintain comprehensive, up-to-date player scoring records containing enough history to enable the accurate calculation of a player’s Handicap Index. Along with the Club Secretary he/she shall be responsible for up-to-date membership data records. He/she shall carry out annual reviews, make fair adjustments as required & communicate any unexpected changes to the players Handicap Index. He/she shall chair the World Handicap Sub-Committee, working closely with the Competitions Secretary & his/her Sub-Committee. Also, he/she shall answer all questions involving the World Handicapping rules”




Other Members of the Committee shall be required to act in the best interest of the club and shall undertake specific tasks as determined by the Committee.




  1. Committee meetings shall be monthly, but meetings can be called at the discretion of the Chairperson and must be called if requested by at least six members of the Committee. All members of the Committee to be given 48 hours notice of any Committee meeting.


  1. All members of the Committee shall maintain appropriate confidentiality on all matters coming to their notice whilst serving on the Committee.


  1. Selected members of the Committee will receive ‘Honorariums’ to acknowledge their extra ‘workloads’ whilst serving on the Committee, the ‘Honorariums’ shall be reviewed annually at the end of each financial year. The amount to be paid and to whom will be decided by the ‘Management Sub-Committee’


  1. The Committee shall appoint a competent independent person to examine all books and documents relating to the Club who shall forward a report of the same, together with usual accounts and balance sheet for presentation at the Annual General Meeting every year.


  1. Any two of the Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be designated as signatories for the cheques signed on behalf of the club.


  1. Any member of the Committee absenting themselves from three consecutive Committee Meetings without satisfactory reason to the Committee will be removed from office.


  1. Any member having cause to complain or wishes to raise a question, shall state the same in writing to the Secretary who shall bring it before the Committee at the next scheduled meeting, and the Committee shall deal with such complaints.


  1. All Co-opted Committee members shall have full voting rights at Committee/Sub-Committee meetings, except for the Junior Organiser(s) who shall only have one vote.


  1. All Sub-Sections of The Club are operated under the auspice of The Main Committee, and these are identified as :-


The Calverley Golf Club Rabbits Section

The Calverley Golf Club Tigers Section

The Calverley Golf Club Senior Section

The Calverley Golf Club Ladies Section

The Calverley Golf Club Junior Section


  1. The sub-sections shall be invited to nominate a member of their section to attend the meetings of the committee by notification to the Secretary, after the AGM. It is for the Sub Sections to decide how their nominee is determined. Sub Section representatives on the committee shall have the same voting rights as other members. The Junior Section will be represented by the Junior Organiser(s).




  1. Membership of the club shall be open to all fully paid members of “Calverley Golf Club Ltd” or its successors by application.


  1. No members shall be entitled to play in the club competitions unless the current year’s subscriptions have been paid prior to that competition.


  1. All trophies shall be played for annually by the members. None of the club trophies can be won outright, nor removed from the Club premises.




  1. The ‘Club’ will require members to pay an annual affiliation fee. The rate of that affiliation fee shall be determined by the Committee and will fall due on April 1st each year.  The rate and method of collection determined by the Committee prior to April 1st each year. Any member failing to pay the affiliation fee by April 1st will not be able to hold an official handicap registered on the World Handicapping System.


  1. In addition, whosoever are the owners of the Calverley Golf Course shall require an annual ‘fee’ to be able to play the golf course, this is determined by ‘the owners’ and they shall set various ‘fees’ dependant upon the categories of their memberships. Failure to pay these ‘fees’ shall mean that those members cannot play the course and therefore unable to take part in Calverley Golf Club’s competitions.


  1. Should a member decide to resign their membership then as a courtesy they shall write, email or message the Secretary giving no less than 1 months notice advising of their decision.

In addition, it would be helpful to give their reasons why they are resigning. Also, should they be joining another golf club then to advise us so that their Central Database of Handicapping information is passed on and to ensure that the General Data Protection Regulations are followed by deleting their details from the club systems.




  1. Any member who shall cease to be a member of the club for whatever cause, shall have no claim upon the property of the club, nor have any part of the subscription returned.


  1. Neither the club, nor any member thereof, nor the Committee of the club shall be liable for or in respect of any loss or injury sustained by any member of the club arising out of any act or omission negligently done or omitted to be done by the Committee or member thereof or member of the club in or about the exercise of failure to perform or observe any duty owed to the club or its member.


  1. The club shall not be dissolved, and the consequent distribution of the club funds shall not take place except by a resolution to that effect passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose and on a vote of at least two thirds of the members of the club present and voting at such a meeting.



  1. The financial year of the club shall commence on January 1st and end on December 31st and an Annual General Meeting, of which proper notice shall be given, shall be held in January the following year and at such Annual General Meetings there shall be presented the income and expenditure account and balance sheet audited by the Accountant.


  1. Members are responsible for their own and their guest’s conduct and must abide by The Rules of The Club whilst on the golf course and in the clubhouse.


  1. All members must abide by the Competition rules set down by the Committee for all competitions organised by and on behalf of the committee.




  1. All questions concerning the interpretation and application of the Constitution shall be referred to the Committee, in writing, for resolution.










































Appendices & Documents Linked to this Constitution;


  •            The Clubs fixture list and rules handbook (produced annually)


  •            Job Descriptions of The Golf Club Management


  •            Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures (EGU) 2023


  •            Rules of “Calverley Golf Club Rabbits Section” (Amendment 1.1)(Date 09.11.16)


  •            Rules of “The Calverley Golf Club Tigers Section”


  •            Rules of “Calverley Golf Club Senior Section”


  •            Rules of “Calverley Golf Club Ladies Section”


  • Junior Section fixture list and rules handbook (produced annually)


  • Safeguarding Children in Golf Policies & Procedures


  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy (EGU) 2023





































Record of Amendments to the Constitution


Date of AGM Passing Resolution                                       Section Amended



29th January 2008                                                                   Section 4 – Management

                                                                                                Section 7 – Officers

                                                                                                Section 8 – Committee


27th January 2009                                                                   Full Revision


26th January 2011                                                                   Section 4 – Management

                                                                                                Section 6 – Election of Officers

                                                                                                Section 8 – Committee

                                                                                                Section 11 – General


27th January 2015                                                                   Section 4(b) line 11 – Management

                                                                                                Section 4(c) line 11 – Management


31st January 2017                                                                   Section 4(a) – Management

                                                                                                Section 4(b) – Management

                                                                                                Section 4(c) – Management

                                                                                                Section 7(g) – Officers

                                                                                                Section 7(f) – Officers

                                                                                                Section 7(j) – Officers


29th January 2019                                                                   Section 10(b) – Subscription


25th January 2022                                                                   Section 4(a) – Management

                                                                                                Section 4(b) – Management

                                                                                                Section 4(c) – Management

                                                                                                Section 7(f) – Officers

                                                                                                Section 7(g) – Officers  


23rd January 2024                                                                   Amendment to Disciplinary Regulations

                                                                                                Addition of EGU EDI Policy 2023


23rd January 2024                                                                   Section 4(c) – Management

                                                                                                President to Serve for 3 Years not 1 Year

                                                                                                Section 6(f) – Election of Officers                                                                                                            President Selection Process