Dress Code

Dress Code

Dress Code on the course


Clean golf, sports and casual wear Tailored shorts of an appropriate length for golf, worn with predominantly white or colour-co-ordinated sports socks. Knee-length socks should be of a single colour. Men's shirts tucked in, unless designed to be worn untucked Hats and baseball caps (peak to the front)


Dirty, torn or ripped clothing Blue denim jeans, trainers, tee-shirts, vests and tracksuits

Dress code in the Clubhouse

  • The acceptable and unacceptable “course” code above applies except that smart denim jeans of any colour are acceptable but not if torn or worn below the hip

  • No hats or caps

  • Soft-spike golf shoes may be worn in the bar but not in the carpeted rooms except when transiting to or from the Ladies changing room. Clean fashion-style trainers are acceptable.

  • Smart casual dress is the norm. Jackets and ties (or equivalent for Ladies) are always welcome but not required unless prescribed by the event organiser.